EnhanceWellness (EW) is an evidence-based program that connects participants with a personal health and wellness coach to improve physical, emotional and social well-being. This program features one-on-one health coaching and the development of an individualized Health Action Plan (HAP).
Goals of Enhance Wellness:
EnhanceWellness happens in three steps: Screen, Plan, Action:
EnhanceWellness is a reliable complement to formal healthcare services for older adults. It works well on its own and as a hub to refer to other health promotion interventions and resources. It is backed by independent research and has been shown to yield measurable results in health—an important consideration for service providers, public and private funders, health care partners, and older adults themselves.
This program is funded in part by the State of MN Department of Human Services Live Well at Home grant, and the Older Americans Act through the Central MN Council on Aging.