Mondays & Wednesdays, Nov 14-Feb 15, 2:45pm-3:45pm, In-Person @ Whitney/Zoom. Tai Ji Quan is an evidence-based fall prevention program designed for older adults developed by Fuzhong Li, Ph.D., Senior Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute. TJQMBB transforms martial arts movements into a therapeutic regimen aimed at improving: - postural stability - awareness and mindful control of body positioning - functional walking - movement symmetry and coordination - range of motion around the ankle and hip joints - lower-extremity muscle strength. This workshop will be held in-person at Whitney Senior Center and on Zoom.
Register today by calling 320-650-3082 or online:
This program is funded in part by the State of MN Department of Human Services Live Well at Home grant, and the Older Americans Act through the Central MN Council on Aging.